Friday, March 30, 2012

March 19, 2012

March 19, 2012
Dear Family,
First of all thank you all for your support.  We so appreciated havingfamily and friends there Sunday and also to the art reception. Thanks so much to Betsy, Kurt, Bret and Elizabeth for organizing the dinner anddoing so much work and thanks to all of you that helped. Thanks to all whotraveled so far to be there. 

We made it to the MTC and got strarted on this process of becomingmissionaries.  Although Sardine Canyon had snow on the road the sky wasquite beautiful with the most unusual cloud formations all over the place thismorning.
The food here is good but too plentiful, the fellow missionaries great (theyare from all over and going to all over the world but no proselytingmissionaries in the bunch), and they  have lightened up a lot on the roleof senior missionaries.  Actually they only have a small percentage of thesenior missionaries needed throughout the world but have seen an upswing in numberssince the changes announced a few months ago.  Some of the other seniorcouples here with us are called to serve Church Education System, PerpetualEducation Fund, Historical Site, and Member Support missions. Papa is the ourgroup leader. 
We can have and use our cell phones, have wi-fi connections in our room andhave a bookstore one flight up at the end of our building. Pretty spiffywouldn't you say.

We saw Tia for a couple of seconds today. She really is a student at BYU.

Saturday is our P day so we are going home Friday afternoon to finish packingand cleaning and return to the MTC Sunday. We will probably go home thenext Thursday evening and leave for the mission field on the Friday beforeconference.  How can we hear conference on the road or in a motel room allyou technology experts out there? 

Chris and Adriel were on their way to Kirsten and Kirk's today. 
We met Don and Deanna Smellie at supper and ate with them.  They areheaded to serve at the Palmyra visitors center Thursday.  We aren't theonly ones traveling to the mission field over conference weekend.  Thereare about 3 other couples going to military bases as militaryspecialists.  One couple got their calling this morning and still showedup for training.
If we attend church Sunday at the branch meetings at the MTC we are instructedto sit on the back row, keep our hands down, don't make comments or we can justsleep so we don't take learning experiences away from the youngermissionaries.

Well that is all from the relatives with the badge.  Love You AllVery Much.  Mom, Carol, Grandma 

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